Thursday, December 27, 2007

How can I feel small ?

Magnificent clouds,

Elegant collapse,

Fiery furnaces,

Building the blocks,

For us to breathe,

Forging our souls,

The universe within us,

How can I feel small,

When a history so grandiose,

Of jewels and stardust,

Preceded us,

And continues to flow,

Embrace the waltz,


My beautiful.


Sullivan said...

Delightful - thanks for making your blog public. :) I have most of the same pictures from the Hubble site. The more I see of the multiverse (how can we call it "the universe" when there are billions of universes?), the less I can understand how people can believe in the Judeo-Christian god.

aka Gibson, from HappyAtheistForum. Took the name Gibson from one of my favorite authors - William Gibson.

Shallow Mind said...

Thanks for your comments :) You're actually the first to comment anything I have written. :)

What do you mean "billions of universes"?